any money [口]多少钱都行
be bad money 是蚀本的投资[买卖]
be flush of money 很有钱,很富裕
be flush with money 很有钱,很富裕
be flush with one's money 乱花钱,挥霍
be good money 是有利可图的投资,是赚钱的买卖
be hard pressed for money 缺少足够的钱,手头拮据
be hard pushed for money 缺少足够的钱,手头拮据
(be) made of money [口]一身都是钱,钱多得花不完
be pinched for money手头拮据
blue one's money [俚]乱花钱,胡乱挥霍
but money [俚](赛马时)下大赌注于最有希望获胜的马
call money拆款,短期拆借的钱
coin money 迅速致富,大发其财
mine money迅速致富,大发其财
come into one's money 继承遗产
down with the money 马上付钱,马上把钱拿出来
down with your money 马上付钱,马上把钱拿出来
earn good money 赚大钱
for money 为了钱; 以金钱为代价; 现款交易的
for my money [口]我[我们]中意的; 在我[我们]看来
for our money [口]我[我们]中意的; 在我[我们]看来
for the money 照所付的代价
at the money 照所付的代价
get one's money's worth 钱花得值得,没有吃亏
have money to burn 钱多得花不完
in the money 赚钱;富裕; 赌赢; 获奖
lie out of one's money 没拿到应得的钱,被拖欠
make money赚钱,发财
make the money fly 乱花钱,挥金如土
marry money 跟有钱人结婚
more money than sense [口]乱花钱
not every man's money [口]不是人人都认为是合算的; 不是人人都中意的
out of money 手头没钱,贫困; 赌输
pot(s) of money 大量的金钱,一笔巨款
put money into 投资于(某项事业)
put money into sth. 投资于(某项事业)
put one's money on 在...上下赌注; 确信会成功
put one's money on the wrong horse 把赌注下在输马上; 失算
put one's money where one's mouth is [口]说话兑现; 说拿钱就拿钱
raise money on ... 以...为抵押来筹款
roll in money [口]在钱里打滚,一身是钱,非常富有
roll in riches [口]在钱里打滚,一身是钱,非常富有
spend money like water 花钱如流水,挥金如土
splash one's money about [俚](为了摆阔气)大肆挥霍
there is money in it 可以从中赚钱,有利可图
there is money in that 可以从中赚钱,有利可图
there is money in this 可以从中赚钱,有利可图
throw good money after bad 想捞回损失越发损失,连老本都贴上
pour good money after bad 想捞回损失越发损失,连老本都贴上
wallow in money [口]在钱里打滚,非常富有
You pays your money and takes your choice. [谑]碰运气,各取所需。
You pays your money and you takes your choice. [谑]碰运气,各取所需。
Your money or your life! 留钱不留命,留命不留钱!
Money begets [谚]钱能生[引]钱。
Money breeds [谚]钱能生[引]钱。
Money draws [谚]钱能生[引]钱。
Money gets [谚]钱能生[引]钱。
Money burn one's pocket 有钱就烧包,急于要花掉。
Money burn a hole in one's pocket 有钱就烧包,急于要花掉。
Money burns in one's pocket 有钱就烧包,急于要花掉。
Money doesn't grow on trees. [谚]钱不是生在树上的; 挣钱是不容易的。
money down 现款
money for jam [口]容易赚的钱; 便宜事儿,不费吹灰之力的事
money for old rope 容易赚钱; 便宜事儿
Money has no smell. [谚]钱是没有味的。
Money is a good servant but a bad master. [谚]人要支配钱,不要叫钱支配人。
Money is no object. [口]缺钱无碍于事,不怕没有钱。
Money makes the mare go. [谚]钱能通神;有钱能使鬼推磨。
money on call 随时可以收回的借款
money at call 随时可以收回的借款
Money talks. [谚]金钱最有发言权。
Money unmakes its makers. [谚]赚得金钱,损了德性。
money一词可能来自罗马女神Juno Moneta